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Live in Midtown West
Midtown West, sometimes referred to as Hell’s Kitchen got that name because, well, there was a time that it was "Hell." From the mid 1800s through as recent as the 1980s the area was the turf of gangs, gangsters, streetwalkers, as well as many grotesque murders. There isn’t a neighborhood that has changed its reputation as much as the area from roughly 34th Street to 59th Street on the West Side of the city.
After the Civil War tenements were quickly put up to house the workers that were pushed out of the Lower East Side. The first gangs (as depicted in the movie Gangs of New York by Martin Scorsese) were groups of the city’s most notorious “ruffians” and the children of those who migrated north. Many of those tenements were razed during the construction of the tunnel in the 1930s and then again when the city declared eminent domain to make room for Lincoln Center. There are a few left and these can be seen on Ninth Avenue between 45th and 46th Street.
Two generations of Irish gangsters partnered up with the Italian mobsters under the Genovese crime family. They then began to kill and rat each other out until there was nothing left of gritty Hell’s Kitchen.
Luxury high rises with doormen and enviable views of the Hudson River now stand majestically next to some of the former tenement buildings. The theatre district (where tickets for a Broadway play can command as much as $600 a seat) and Restaurant Row (both on 46th Street and along Ninth Avenue) have some of the best restaurants in all of New York.
Apartments are well priced compared to its neighbors on the Upper West Side (to the north) and Chelsea (to the south). The area is super close to all transportation, and on most of the streets you can’t spot one single tourist. If you like a residential area with a steamy past and tons of convenience Midtown West aka Hell’s Kitchen can’t be beat. Literally.
Midtown West no fee rentals, Hell’s Kitchen no fee rentals, Clinton no fee apartments, Midtown West no fee rental apartments, about Midtown West in New York City. About Hell’s Kitchen New York.

Midtown West no fee apartments. Midtown West no fee rentals.

Other neighborhoods/boroughs near Midtown West:
Other Boroughs:
Staten Island
Local Subway Stops
- CEA34 St - Penn Station
- CEA42 St - Port Authority Bus Terminal
- 12334 St - Penn Station
- 7Times Sq - 42 St
- 123Times Sq - 42 St
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